Welcome to the Los Angeles County Medical Association
Political Action Committee (LACPAC) webpage!
At LACPAC, we understand the crucial role that state healthcare policy plays in shaping the landscape of medical practice. Situated in the heart of Los Angeles County, we recognize the unique position our region holds within the California Legislature.
We advocate tirelessly for the preservation of clinical autonomy, recognizing it as a cornerstone of quality patient care. However, we also acknowledge the challenges posed by government and insurance industry regulations, which often threaten this autonomy.
Our approach to legislative advocacy is comprehensive and integrated. Through lobbying efforts, grassroots activities, and strategic political action facilitated by LACPAC, we aim to amplify the voice of physicians and champion their interests in the political arena.
Now more than ever, it is crucial for physicians to support LACPAC and strengthen their political voice. LACPAC is funded by the generous support of the members of the Los Angeles County Medical Association. Your support enables us to continue our advocacy efforts effectively.
By supporting LACPAC, you will not only be contributing to the advancement of healthcare policy in our community, but you will also be kept abreast of the latest developments and efforts from our organization. We will highlight and support vetted candidates who share the same passion for quality healthcare as we all do.
Join us in shaping the future of healthcare policy and protecting the integrity of medical practice in our community. Together, we can make a difference.

George Fouras, MD | CHAIR, LACPAC Board of Directors

Dr. Jerry Abraham

Justin Cheng

Dr. C Freeman | Secretary Treasurer, LACPAC Board of Directors

Thomas Horowitz, MD | Chairman Emeritus, LACPAC Board of Directors

Dr. Po-Yin Samuel Huang

Paul Kirz, MD | Vice Chair, LACPAC Board of Directors

Dr. Christopher Libby

Dr. Richard Wong